Steps :
Initial Configuration :
1. Navigate to the virtual directory of the SharePoint site, like: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\yoursitename
2. In the root you will find the file web.config. Edit this file and search for the line with<>. Now copy and paste the following lines and make sure you change the valueproxyaddress to the address of your own proxy server:
<defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">
<proxy bypassonlocal="true" proxyaddress= />
3. Save the file and restart IIS. To reset IIS, click Start > All Programs > Accessories > right-clickCommand Prompt, select Run as administrator, type in iisreset, and press ENTER.
Configure RSS viewer Web Part:
- Go to the SharePoint site and click , Site Actions => Edit page.
2.In the ribbon interface go to Editing Tools => Insert => Web Part.
3.In the Categories select "Content Rollup" => RSS Viewer => Click on Add.
4. In the Web Part properties enter the URL for the "RSS Feed URL" and click OK.
5. You may be getting an error as below.
6. In many blogs they said that the feed we are trying to get requires authentication and this issue occurs if you use NTLM authentication for the RSS feed instead of one of the following authentication methods:
- Kerberos authentication
- Anonymous Acess
7.Go to Central Administration => Application Management => Manage Web Applications
8.Select the web application where the RSS viewer Web Part is created.
9.In the ribbon interface, click on Authentication Providers.
10 .Click Default
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11.In the IIS Authentication Settings, select "Negotiate (Kerberos)".
12: Click Ok and now check your Rss viwer webpart .
Enjoy !!
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good job... :)